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Giuseppe Ungaretti[Giuseppe_Ungaretti]


City of Residence: Alexandria - Egypt
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Biography Giuseppe Ungaretti

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テ始gerul sトビacului : Traducere de Miron Radu Paraschivescu ネ冓 Alexandru Balaci
Poetry 2009-08-03 (9233 hits)

Insula : traducere de Leonid Dimov
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テ始tテ「lnire cu un pin : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
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テ始toarcere : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
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テ始tre veghe ネ冓 somn : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
Poetry 2020-09-02 (3299 hits)

Ironie :
Poetry 2009-02-13 (8333 hits)

Italia :
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Italia : Traducere de Iulian Filip
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Italia* : Vol. 窶朷iaネ嫗 unui om窶 窶 Paralela 45
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テ縞嬖 va dezvトネui :
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Iunie : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
Poetry 2020-08-30 (3478 hits)

Iunona : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
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IV. : Traducere de Miron Radu Paraschivescu ネ冓 Alexandru Balaci
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IX : Traducere de Miron Radu Paraschivescu ネ冓 Alexandru Balaci
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Izvor : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
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Izvor* : Vol. 窶朷iaネ嫗 unui om窶 窶 Paralela 45
Poetry 2020-09-04 (3397 hits)

La Madre : Sentimento del Tempo
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La Madre : Legende din "Sentimento del Tempo"
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Lac lunト zori noapte : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
Poetry 2020-07-01 (3802 hits)

Lac lunト zori noapte* : Vol. 窶朷iaネ嫗 unui om窶 窶 Paralela 45
Poetry 2020-08-29 (3369 hits)

Leda : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
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Levante :
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Livada : Villa di Garda, aprilie 1918
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Lumina ta : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
Poetry 2020-08-28 (3530 hits)

Luncト : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
Poetry 2020-07-02 (3780 hits)

Malinconia :
Poetry 2005-07-06 (15916 hits)

Mama : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
Poetry 2020-07-02 (3927 hits)

Mama* : Vol. 窶朷iaネ嫗 unui om窶 窶 Paralela 45
Poetry 2020-08-12 (3467 hits)

Mattino :
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Melancolie : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
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Melancolie* : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
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Melodia cheilor cトパcトブnului : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
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Mereu noapte : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
Poetry 2020-07-01 (3920 hits)

Moment : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
Poetry 2020-08-30 (3430 hits)

Monologhetto(fragment) : Traducere テョn limba romテ「nト de Florian Potra
Poetry 2009-05-17 (8543 hits)

Monotonie : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
Poetry 2020-08-20 (3472 hits)

Monotonie* : Vol. 窶朷iaネ嫗 unui om窶 窶 Paralela 45
Poetry 2020-08-23 (3675 hits)

Morネ嬖 テョn munネ嬖 : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
Poetry 2020-05-25 (4012 hits)

Naネ冲erea Aurorei : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
Poetry 2020-07-31 (3584 hits)

Natale :
Poetry 2005-03-26 (15395 hits)

Nebuni paネ冓i mei : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
Poetry 2020-05-14 (3568 hits)

Nimicire : Vol. 窶朷iaネ嫗 unui om窶 窶 Paralela 45
Poetry 2020-08-31 (2520 hits)

Noapte : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
Poetry 2020-09-04 (2523 hits)

Noapte de mai : Traducere de Miron Radu Paraschivescu ネ冓 Alexandru Balaci
Poetry 2009-09-13 (8338 hits)

Noapte de martie : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
Poetry 2020-06-25 (3495 hits)

Noapte de varト : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
Poetry 2020-09-01 (2409 hits)

Noaptea frumoasト : Traducere de Alexandra Ungureanu
Poetry 2008-03-10 (7911 hits)

Noaptea frumoasト 窶 (variantト) : Vol. 窶朷iaネ嫗 unui om窶 窶 Paralela 45
Poetry 2020-09-05 (2356 hits)

Nocturnト : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
Poetry 2020-08-02 (3002 hits)

Nostalgie : Vol. 窶朧 viaネ崙 de om窶 窶 Integralト poeticト
Poetry 2020-08-03 (3082 hits)

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Biography Giuseppe Ungaretti

Giuseppe UNGARETTI (1888-1970) s-a nトピcut テョn Africa, la Alexandria. A trトナt acolo pテ「nト la 23 de ani; テョn 1912, a plecat nu spre Italia (ネ嫗ra pトビinネ嬖lor sトナ toscani, atraネ冓 テョn Egipt de construcネ嬖a canalului de Suez), ci spre Paris, pentru studii la Sorbona. Tテ「nトビul Ungaretti テョネ冓 regトピeネ冲e originile peninsulare abia テョn 1915, cテ「nd se テョnroleazト voluntar テョn armata italianト, intratト テョn primul rトホboi mondial! Nu va pトビトピi frontul, pe fluviul Isonzo ネ冓 テョn alte locuri, decテ「t テョn 1918 - pentru a se transfera cu regimentul sトブ テョn Franネ嫗.
Al treilea continent din viaネ嫗 autorului (devenit, dupト rトホboiul "re-テョnネ崙ビトビii" sale, un distins universitar ネ冓, fireネ冲e, un poet a cトビui creaネ嬖e schimba, alトフuri de douト-trei altele, faネ嫗 liricii post-dannunziene!) este America Latinト. Dupト un popas テョn Argentina, el va fi profesor de italianト la Universitatea din Sao Paulo, テョn Brazilia, テョntre 1936 ネ冓 1942.


Giuseppe Ungaretti (February 8, 1888窶笛une 2, 1970) was an Italian modernist poet, journalist, essayist, critic and academic. A leading representative of the experimental trend known as ermetismo, he was one of the most prominent contributors to 20th century Italian literature. Influenced by symbolism, he was briefly aligned with futurism. Like many futurists, he took an irredentist position during World War I. Ungaretti debuted as a poet while fighting in the trenches, publishing one of his best-known pieces, L'allegria ("The Joy").

During the interwar period, Ungaretti was a collaborator of Benito Mussolini (whom he met during his socialist accession), as well as a foreign-based correspondent for Il Popolo d'Italia and La Gazzetta del Popolo. While briefly associated with the Dadaists, he developed ermetismo as a personal take on poetry. After spending several years in Brazil, he returned home during World War II, and was assigned a teaching post at the University of Rome, where he spent the final decades of his life and career. His fascist past was the subject of controversy.

L'Allegria is a decisive moment of the recent history of Italian literature: Ungaretti revises with novel ideas the poetic style of the poets maudits (especially the broken verses without punctation marks of Guillaume Apollinaire窶冱 Calligrammes), connecting it with his experience of death and pain as a soldier at war. The hope of brotherhood between all the people is expressed strongly, together with the desire of searching for a renovated "harmony" with the universe, impressive on the famous verses of Mattina:


(I flood myself
with light of the immense)

(Santa Maria La Longa, il 26 gennaio 1917)[20]

In the successive works he studied the importance of the poetic word, as the only way to save the humanity from the universal horror, and was searching for a new way to recuperate the roots of the Italian classical poetry. His last verses are on the poem l'Impietrito e il Velluto, about the memory of the bright universe eyed Dunja, an old woman that was house guest of his mother in the time of his childhood. Here's the end:

Il velluto dello sguardo di Dunja
Fulmineo torna presente pietà

(The velvet in the bright gaze of Dunja
Rapid returns as present mercy)

Published volumes

Il porto sepolto ("The Buried Port", 1916 and 1923)
La guerre ("The War", 1919 and 1947)
Allegria di naufragi ("The Joy of Shipwrecks", 1919)
L'allegria ("The Joy", 1931)
Sentimento del tempo ("The Feeling of Time", 1933)
Traduzioni ("Translations", 1936)
Poesie disperse ("Scattered Poems", 1945)
Il dolore ("The Pain", 1947)
La terra promessa ("The Promised Land", 1950)
Un grido e paesaggi ("A Shout and Landscapes", 1952)
Il taccuino del vecchio ("The Old Man's Notebook", 1960)
Vita di un uomo ("The Life of a Man", 1969)

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