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: Galilei Poetry 2011-02-08 (6243 hits)
Show some gratitude
: if you please Poetry 2011-01-01 (4263 hits)
Autumn Sky
: As Seen From Suburbia Poetry 2010-10-31 (4335 hits)
The survival
: of that favorite brew Poetry 2010-10-18 (6838 hits)
Not made
: of paper Poetry 2010-10-10 (4141 hits)
Parasite Hotel GB
: Just Another Reality Show Poetry 2010-09-26 (2745 hits)
Did You Miss
: Those Nights At Stonehenge? Poetry 2010-09-12 (3810 hits)
Let's fill in
: the spaces- Poetry 2010-08-28 (4474 hits)
: on a no-return ticket Poetry 2010-08-07 (4161 hits)
Those Wikileaks
: make you listen as they speak Poetry 2010-07-28 (5369 hits)
Moving Ahead
: On A Thursday Poetry 2010-05-13 (2887 hits)
: Stones Poetry 2010-05-03 (3926 hits)
: Please... Poetry 2010-04-01 (2944 hits)
He Who Rides
: Through The City Gate- Poetry 2010-03-28 (2931 hits)
: And Turning Poetry 2010-03-27 (3623 hits)
: Know Their Timber Poetry 2010-03-21 (3205 hits)
Vreet Tin Glööt
: A Possible Road For The English Language Given Totally Different Circumstances Poetry 2010-03-19 (7601 hits)
: As A Blanket Overhead Poetry 2010-03-15 (4049 hits)
I Must
: Insist Poetry 2010-02-18 (6683 hits)
Life Pivots
: Around Moments Poetry 2010-01-30 (4178 hits)
As Mr. Barrett
  : wanders aimlessly off stage- Poetry 2010-01-18 (6443 hits)
: For The Artificial Poetry 2010-01-18 (4462 hits)
Alcohol Intoxication
: Isn't Always An Evil, Is It? Poetry 2010-01-07 (3489 hits)
Transcending Your Mother Tongue
: on these pages Prose 2009-12-27 (5549 hits)
A Stranger`s
: Observation Poetry 2009-12-19 (7329 hits)
Wannabe Dervish
: In December Poetry 2009-12-13 (4432 hits)
: Your Steps Poetry 2009-11-26 (5602 hits)
: With his "hair" gassed back. Poetry 2009-11-11 (6463 hits)
Red And Green
: Lights Poetry 2009-11-06 (4387 hits)
The History of Music
: XI-XX Poetry 2009-11-01 (6867 hits)
: Counters Progression Poetry 2009-10-21 (5972 hits)
Hellhound On My Trail
: History of Music Part XX Poetry 2009-10-15 (7437 hits)
: Painted That Sound Poetry 2009-10-06 (4222 hits)
Those White Roses
: In the Vase- Poetry 2009-10-03 (2970 hits)
Ride A White Swan
: History Of Music Part XIX Poetry 2009-09-25 (8064 hits)
Monica Zetterlund
: History Of Music Part XVIII Poetry 2009-09-20 (6394 hits)
La Divina Pollo
: Election Tomorrow Poetry 2009-09-13 (4548 hits)
King Ashoka
: Experiences Satori Poetry 2009-09-04 (6902 hits)
Buddy Bolden's Grave Just Can't Be Found
: History Of Music Part XVII Poetry 2009-08-24 (8412 hits)
Piaf, always Piaf
: History of Music Part XVI Poetry 2009-08-16 (6100 hits)
: ...of that impersonation Poetry 2009-07-19 (3625 hits)
Nature impersonates the arts or...
: it the other way around? Poetry 2009-07-11 (4185 hits)
Luna left alone
: History of Music Part XV Poetry 2009-06-27 (6980 hits)
No Strings...
 : ...attached Poetry 2009-06-14 (4217 hits)
You took that Piece of My Heart and left
: History Of Music, part XIV Poetry 2009-05-31 (5679 hits)
Losing track...
: ...and suddenly catching a glimpse of Vergil and Dante again Poetry 2009-05-21 (2675 hits)
A Deeper Shade
: Of Robert Johnsons Blues Poetry 2009-05-20 (3030 hits)
: A Well-Known Mask Poetry 2009-05-18 (4345 hits)
The Bird
: Knows The Word Poetry 2009-05-01 (3766 hits)
In need...
: ...of assistance Poetry 2009-04-25 (3755 hits)
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Time changes into ever new garments...
Pretty intense...
Please revise these errors:
Fine and dandy, L.I.
The archaic English here...
Quite allright, just be aware...
Interesting things happening...
Maybe a bit too vague for me...
I really like the loose rhythm...
The Stones' version...
Thanks a lot, Simona. Isn't time....
Same to you, Vavila!
That dusty accordion will keep throbbin...
Ode to Dualism... ( )
As Marius I enjoyed this fine poem..
Counting Angels...
Happy New Year and thanks a lot, Marius!
! Felix
Thanks a lot, aleksandar!
No contradiction, Diana!
A manifesto with bravado...
Love and friendship...
The relation between a woman and her brutal husband...
The only reason... ( )
Watching the "Divina Commedia", Edilberto... ( )
A gothic tale...
Dali's bending of figures...
Fiction, of course, Theodor...
Portnoy's complaint...
Well delivered...
Ah! ( )
Such a mellow... ( )
If you did just that...
Solstace tomorrow...
All that jazz... ( )
A couple of thrilling ideas there, Ion!
Much too much of the same sound...
Check the rhyming!
The ever enchanting spirit...
Approved, but...
Wel, the way I see it, it's formally okay...
Splendid, Simona...
I wish that too... ( )
Classical verses... ( )
A ballad of war's insanity
It really pleases me, Dan Marius...
And....good Golly!
Since music is one of my favorite occupations...
And here's one... ( )
Dan saw it...
I perceive this poem...
I wouldn't need to fit in, Simona...
When reading this... ( )
I second Marius' opinion...
Sounds heavy, Felix...
I certainly appreciate...
Alas... ( )
This is a piece with some fine imagery!
Romulus, don't you think...
A question of form...
Interesting, but some revision needed...
A mellow sway to the beat here... ( )
A most welcome response...
Once again....
Quite visual, this poem... ( )
A recognizabe state of existence... ( )
Graceful creatures they are, Corina!
That's better!
So nice...
Touching really...
Still I read "the" patience. It's not proper English ...
Not half bad...
That's what I call poetry workshop...
A good idea indeed, Marius...
Please, drop "the" at the beginning of your last line ...
So nice, Marius....
Viel dank, Marius!
A very good idea...
Ooops..we are such STUFF
"We are such stuss as dreams are made on"... ( )
Just a few images...
Simple, beautiful...
The smoke carrying the DNA... ( )
"a place to confess." ( )
Across the universe...
A plea for forgiveness... ( )
Just a shimmy with that old devil..
A creepy sense... ( )
One line comes to mind:
I don't think "by chance" is the right expression here...
Thank you, Edilberto...
Last saturday, Marius...
This is really remarkable, because...
Marius, I was not inclining that you were unaware...
Sweet, but sadly conventional.
It's coherent, no big flaws...
A fine tribute to a great musician, Marius, however...
Mask, teeth, whatever, Monica...
Comprende, Feilx...
Edilberto, thanks a lot and you know...
A toast, Marius...
I really appreciate...
Thanks a lot, Corina!
Felix, in what way...
Just leave me with... ( )
Time and space...
And so...
I see you rhyme as good... ( )
Clouds clotted in wartime and a splendid finale... ( )
Indeed, Felix...
Enjoyable imagery...
I accept this now as a Haiku...
I perceive this...
Someties stereotypes are...
Dan Marius...
Something almost hypnotic...
A profound change, Monica... ( )
The city yes, but for me, especially...
Thanks a lot, Corina! In addition...
The mood of the season...
I liek this idea too, Chris, though...
Splendid Cabernet cabaret....
As a comment to this...
Good to hear, Corina...
Of course it is invented, Marius...
Those darned birds!
A good piece of poetry...
Holding the reader as well as...
A title that reminds me of...
So sweet, yet not at all sentimental.. ( )
Some errors here:
The feline animal playing...
Taking me back...
Grammar/syntax is a lot better now...
The bus is...
Enjoyable wordplay...
Please; no longer can she see me...
The succession of words in English is...
Exploring the various facets... ( )
Wise words
You're so right
Thank you Corina!
A toast...
Some poems seem...
A small and very well-shaped silent movie... ( )
In very short poems...
Anonymity, blankness, the mask...
I enjoyed this...
The wind, the rain, the growth
...Mike and Chris!
The ever unfolding drama...
Why did I start imagining...
There you go again...
A plant for sure, Marius, but also... ( )
One often wonders...
Most amusing... ( )
Your alterations do improve...
I second...
I can't help but... ( )
Thanks a lot, Gradinaru...
Let's try again.
I'm not save?
Interesting elaboration...
Certainly a fine notion, but...
It takes a lot to cross certain bridges...
Well, then...
Simply loved this one...
That's right, Felix!
I try to observe...
Derrida, being one of the most influential...
A fair warning to those... ( )
It's not that...
I like the last...
I appreciate the objectification...
Through The Looking-glass!
Intriguing really, but...
A well-composed...
Thank you very much...
Wrong section
Simple and striking... ( )
The explanation of a title and three lines
As a matter of circumstance... ( )
That's an interesting approach!
Wrong section
Wrong section
Flyerers have to get an income too...
This poem describes...
I correct myself...
When yo're unable to distuinguish between dream and reality... ( )
A good elaboration on love...
The archaic English you use here...
This is difficult to take in...
In the words of a norwegian song title...
Expressive poem worth reading....
The letter format works for me as a reader...
And there...
Maria-Mihaela, I do agree!
Fine and intersting work. though I find some grammaticl flaws...
I know, and that....
I do think I may approve this one...
I do think I may approve this one...
Utterly unneccesary...
Sea, sunrise, heaven...
GIVE away...
I read this is a vivid depiction...
What is your poetic intent...
The "I" person's own life reflected through... ( )
"We know major Tom's a junkie"...
Some moments...
...The cab, the train...
My dictionary is called Longman's and there...
Marius, I still think I disagree...
Real nice short poem...
Violence in animated movies...
A real nice flow...
Dan Marius, whar you have achieved here...
Ecaterina, Radovan is...
Marius, I see... ( )
I can't say it's appetizing...
Indeed, Simona...
On a monday, the best moment to smile...
In poetry...
Close and personal observation...
Fine images and a good story, just...
Simplicity does it...
A wee bit more to be done
Setting sail...
Brings to mind some words... ( )
Horror, is it...
My impression...
Thank you very much, Daniela...
If I may...
Unseen colors yet unborn ( )
To the distributor of the red star...
Dan Marius and Marius!
Ah! In that case I'd suggest...
Marius, this is a brilliant idea!
Seemingly a realistic depiction of family holidays until... ( )
Makes me...
Man, seemingly bound...
Intimate and well shaped...
Interesting approach, but...
No bad idea,but...
I've heard of...
I think maybe...
I hear and listen...
Short., open...
To be quite precise...
No verse enough?
Short and...
Flawless in syntax and grammar... ( )
Fulfilling haiku here, Marius! ( )
Very well...
Sophisticated use of symbols...
(Laughter....) But really, thanks a lot, Chris...
A great journey through...
Visions of community..
I enjoyed the alliteration in this one...
Short poem...
Indeed it's true...
All right, but...
Splendid images... ( )
One fine...
Thanks a lot, Sorin!
A new approach to the term "Personal Computer"...
When someone succeds in writing a poem, the finishing touch...
An illustrious description...
An open door...
A politician(Mr. C?), a crimininal, both....
I second all of Marius' words here....
"Arts Masterpieces" ...
Now, that's more like poetry....
Here I find no good rhytm, no original images, no nice rhymes...
Quite a thrilling futuristic dysptophy...
This poem keeps popping up....
A BBC program about Leonardos "Last Supper"...
After (quite?) a bit of guidance...
I join in the praise...
Here vampirism may be perceived...
Haunting images of captivity...
A good and sensitive depiction...
Much better than the other one that...
As we all are human...
That's action... ( )
I wonder...
When you're strange...
Ach, harmony, harmony...
Why don't we all set sail...
The languages seem to mix up...
A splendid...
This is very much to my liking ( )
Concise and well-shaped, Chris!
Absolutely a valid solution...
The reason why you should revise this, Ionut...
Also very eloquent in classical style...
You keep delivering good poems, Lee Ann...
Thank you, Ionut... ( )
Quite open to various interpretations...
A perfect comparison...
Some exquisite images and rhymes here...
Read this one just now...
Constantin, how nice...
One complaint here
Life and death...
Sounds to me as a blend of...
Coming from that painters own city... ( )
You found very good solutions...
A story told...
Lee Ann!
By all means...
Poetry as a tool...
You are obviously...
Congratulations, Bogdan! (of course, sorry!)...
And the question is...
That rite... ( )
It would be suitable...
Oops, forgot to put you ...
"My past has never been better/than this....
Some very nice classical images there, Marius...
That day has come, Syd!
One reason...
Nature employed...
My opinion about this poem is just about the same...
Welcome back from your absence, Syd!
I absolutely agree with...
So true...
Romanian essence....
Part time love...
Real nice one, Marius...
Glad you liked it, Vicleanu...
Hardly understandable poem...
All the things we are...
Your poem reflects...
Not badly written this fantasy scenario...
Short and concise...
Well composed...
Verschiedene languages, bueno!
Silly me...
Please explain to me...
Too many errors
The blockheads escape my comment...
I appreciate that, Marius...
Urban filth and ...
In through the open window...
I guess you must be a bit educated...
Hardly about football...
Definition of clair obscure from The Free Dictionary: ( )
Thank you, Chris...
More compact...
I sense...
This poem is balanced...
Very visual poetry with a temperament...
This prose piece...
I thank God for the fact that one text may...
Important question, Chris.
Interesting biblical allusions...
It does feel good...
That worldly yellow star...
Compressed existential surrealism...
Let me welcome you to the site, too, and...
Cheers, Marius...
It's a pleasure...
Again; Marius, not really a Haiku...
As far as I know the Haiku set of rules...
To the above I need to add...
And now it seems...
And finally...
Now this really works...
Irene certainly has a point and..
Containing exquisite, concrete images..
This poem has potential...
Lost patterns...
Doing the "Severed Head".... ( )
Floyd at the flat...
Written with a sense of humor...
As a glimpse of intense youthful mourning - the absence...
Not bad, Irene, but...
Not bad, Irene, but...
Syd Barret...
Natures beauty and...
Irony in this poem...
Ode to a question...
Yes, Bogdan, ignorance...
Beautiful alliteration... ( )
Love is God's intention...
Awaiting the miracle...
Chris, we ride the images...
Thanks a lot, Marius!
It seems clear... ( )
Interesting classical allusions...
Peace in the valley.
Ah, those sepia-colored frames depicting faces...
Art, sensitivity...
There's musicality within this poem...
Chris, the responses on this one delights me!
Thanks a lot, Mike. You really hit the spot...
Thanks a lot for your response, Marius!
And.. ( )
Marius is right regarding surrealism....
The reason why I put this one on the list is...
Now, here's a bit of drama...
Yes, I know...
Oops, misspelling -
Welcoming the new kids in town.
I lke this, many fine images and good rhytm...
One fine newcomer!
A dreamy sadness...
Luckily the laws have changed in Britain...
Really it's perfection that I fear, because...
Couldn't avoid....
This text is written in better english than the one I wanted revised...
With these additions...
...Sorry, but I don't really see...
...Sorry, but I don't really see...
whispers through our forests dense with fog and deep... ( )
I find it hard to disagree...
Very good idea, but then again we have to deal with...
Looking forward...
I appreciate the imperative emotion you put forth here...
Me, I just love Pinocchio...
Lifted up
I like this too...
In addition to the funny point you make...
Political lies lead to war and large accounts...
Some believers, Ion...
Let me add; sophistication=
Fine, concise...
Going for enlightenment, Maspros?
Taking to the air...
Exactly, Marius!
Fine, original idea....
I know, Dan...
I know, Dan...
I guess we won't agree in this case, Marius...
Pig Power! ( )
I certainly agree... ( )
Beauty and genocide...
Generalizations, Dan...
Interesting elaboration...
As a matter of fact...
Good writing, fine images, but please...
An interesting poetic elaboration...
Is this about an individuals remorse...
And these weapons cost a lot more...
The magic...
Excuse me...
Nice writing with good rhytm and images, just...
Love is all there is...
Amigo, mankind is caught between collectivist states, like China...
I suggest, Daniel...
Venturing into the surreal, Marius...
Silver bullets,,,
Thanks a lot, Sydney!
One way of reading this...
Why, indeed is Sydney Krivenko now without her former...
Why, indeed is Sydney Krivenko now without her former...
Sometimes we really...
A valid musicality in your poem here, Marius...
Opens up for...
A bit confusing...
Hopefully a candle will always remain lit...
Expressive yes...
One cutting example...
Maybe a bit too much...
This does not refer to race...
Ah, that's potential!
That part of spiritual existence... ( )
A soft whisper...
Surreal, yet concrete...
Such a refined contribution... ( )
Please don't let me be misunderstood!
Thank you for correcting that error and thus making ...
There is certainlys some good content her, but...
Interesting, romantic and metaphysical...
Greetings from (Peace and)Love Street...
What a nice, spantaneous response, Chris!
Thanks a lot, Chris! The great inventions and the myths...
....if dead stars dance ( )
....if dead stars dance
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The Chimney sweeper
Poetry by William Blake
Fragment 52
Poetry by Sappho
You've got to hide your love away
Poetry by lewis carroll
Berket and the Stars
Poetry by William Carlos Williams
With God on our side
Poetry by Robert Allen Zimmerman
It seems so long ago
Poetry by Leonard Cohen
Poetry by Allen Ginsberg Alternative version
It's all over now, baby blue
Poetry by Robert Allen Zimmerman